
Walls in Bloom, a paradise of auspicious symbols, in wallpaper

Since the earliest days of civilization, walls told stories, for centuries.

While evergreen wreaths circle the snowbound bandstand on the town common and frosted maple branches bend and bow down under sparkly ice, across Main Street, indoors, abundant peach and plum blossoms, climbing roses and more flowering trees rise into heavenly blue skies in a protected paradise, Walls in Bloom, antique garden wallpaper for new audiences in The Hamlen Collection, on exhibit through December at Sunflowers Cafe, the popular landmark in downtown Jaffrey.

The garden views are exemplars of the finest antique wallpaper in the world, on exhibit for the first time since being by gifted artists in the early 19th century probably in Canton, China, now called Guangzhou. The new editions are fine reproductions of an historical chinoisierie panorama. The facsimiles retain authentic unique patina: imperfections are intentional and are representative of the original. The sublime digital medium transcends the message, the expressive antique art of the hand eludes time and techniques to appear old, made new, for new locations.

Hamlin Collection

  • Hamlin Wallpaper
  • Hamlin Fabric
  • Hamlin Framed Art